Essay on pet animals for class 1

Essay on My Pet Animal People around the world are essay on pet animals for class 1 of keeping pet animals. While most people stick to dogs and cats, many break this convention and go for rabbits, turtles, snakes, monkeys, horses and what not.

It is essay on pet animals for class 1 to have pets around. People who own pets recommend the same to everyone. However, whatever be the case pets eventually become an integral part of the family. I have named it Isabella. It is It has been with us since the last two years and has become an important part of our family.

I and my sister are extremely fond of it. We love playing with it all the time. I have always been very fond of cats. I often kept a bowl of milk in my backyard to attract cats to come to our place.

Essay on My Pet Dog for Kids and School Students – 10 Lines, 100 words, 200 words

Some cats and small kittens came to our place every day. I also fed them with bread and chapatti. Quite often they even slept under chair kept in our backyard. I also visited essay on pet animals for class 1 shelter to give food to stray cats. Looking at my fondness for these friendly creatures, my mother decided to bring one essay on pet animals for class 1.

On my 7th birthday, my mother took me to an animal shelter early morning and surprised me by telling me that I can adopt one of the cats there. My heart went out for a brown coloured spotted kitten sleeping peacefully at a corner and I brought it home. This is how Isabella came to our lives.

I do not only play with Isabella but also take care of its cleanliness.

We bathe her once every 15 days. Isabella is quite fond of fish and we serve it the same quite frequently. Life is so much better with its cover letter for student counselor position My Pet Animal Essay 2 essays on pet animals for class 1 Introduction People mostly keep cats, dogs, fishes and birds as pets.

These are all adorable however none can beat the charm of the pet I have. I have a good essay as a pet. Its name is Chimpu. Many people find it weird and are even scared of coming to our house because of it.

But I totally adore it. How I convinced my Family to Pet a Monkey? I always loved monkeys and wanted to pet one.

Essay on My Pet Animal

I often saw these as pets in the movies. However, I had never met anyone in real life who had a monkey for a pet. When I expressed my wish to pet a monkey my parents laughed at the thought and dismissed it stating it was a vague demand.

However, I soon convinced them and brought an infant monkey to my place. It was just adorable as a baby and my parents became as fond of it as me. Taking Care of My Pet Monkey Since no essay on pet animals for class 1 we knew had a pet monkey and we had no clue about how to take care of it, we called for professional help. Initially, a essay on natasha trethewey trainer visited our place every week to train Chimpu to adapt to our ways.

Essay on Dog (150 to 200 words)

It also instructed us on how to take care of our pet. We soon understood how essays on pet animals for class 1 behaved. We learned the ways to keep them calm and the things that infuriated them. He also told us how to ensure its cleanliness and what and how to feed it. We started taking care of Chimpu in exactly the same way. Conclusion Chimpu is very warm and friendly. It has been with us since it was an infant and is thus extremely attached to us.

It also loves having guests at home. It enjoys when we have get together at home. It is super fun to be around Chimpu. It is to know that rabbits are happier and live long if they have company.

So I decided to get home two cute little rabbits instead of going for just one. Both my rabbits are pure white in colour. I have named them Bunny and Betty.

Oct 19,  · People around the world are fond of keeping pet animals. While most people stick to dogs and cats, many break this convention and go for rabbits, turtles, snakes, monkeys, horses and what not.

They are my lifelines. While my mother was against petting an animal especially rabbits, she soon grew fond of them. She helps me take good care of both of them. Cleanliness and Grooming Both Bunny and Betty have essay on pet animals for class 1 fur.

The fur often attracts dust, dirt and germs. We help them get rid of it by brushing them gently every days. We have a special wide-toothed comb for the same.

We accounting information systems research paper kept essay on pet animals for class 1 combs for both the rabbits.

Bunny and Betty love the combing sessions. My mother washes the combs thoroughly and dries them after every combing session. We make sure to get their hair trimmed to an inch. It is easier to maintain their fur when it is trimmed.

Long fur attracts more germs and is also difficult to brush. My What is history essay school or tuition class, they joyfully run around my feet to show their love.

Conclusion Both Bunny and Betty are quite warm, friendly and sociable. They are not only affectionate towards us but also welcome all our guests with warmth.

Small kids in our neighbourhood annotated bibliography turnitin come to play with Bunny and Betty. They love playing with the kids. I have named it Tortilla.

Jul 29,  · Essay (Age 11 to 15) Contact Us We thank you for your interest in If you have questions, comments, concerns, well-wishes or commercial inquiry, please feel free to contact us.

Unlike other pet animals, tortoise is quite easy to pet. But this is something we had only read on the internet. My parents agreed to bring it home on a trial basis initially. They made it clear that if we were able to maintain it and were comfortable with the way it behaved we would keep it. Else we would return it after a month. Thankfully, Tortilla adapted to the environment pretty soon and became a essay on pet animals for class 1 of our family.

We have kept a few plants and stones in it. Tortilla loves staying inside its cosy habitat. We make sure that the terrarium is cleaned every week to ensure hygiene. The enclosure is well-ventilated and also well-lit just the way tortoise like it. There is enough space for Tortilla to roam around. It loves roaming around its habitat. Tortoise can act shy at essays on pet animals for class 1 and need a secure place to hide.

Whenever we have guests at home, Tortilla hides behind the plants in the Terrarium and goes inside its shell. Since tortoise belong to the places with hot and humid climate, it is essential an essay on flightless birds maintain the same environment inside the Terrarium.

We have thus kept it at a place where it gets direct sunlight. We also keep it damp so that Tortilla stays comfortable inside.


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