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When the patient localizes the pain with resisted inversion to the posterior medial malleolus, the patient may have tibialis posterior tendonitis at the point of pain elicitation. Ankle inversion and plantarflexion accentuating the tibi- alis posterior tendon. Manual compression of the nerve at the tarsal tunnel for 60 seconds is also used to diagnose tarsal tunnel syndrome Photo 2. Now, move your fingers to the posterior ankle and palpate the large Achilles tendon this is the thickest and strongest tendon in the body. Tenderness over the Achilles tendon implicates Achilles tendonitis as the source of pain. A bursa lies Topamax overnight Shipping the anterior surface of the Achilles tendon and the calcaneus. Another bursa lies Topamax overnight Shipping the insertion of the Achilles tendon and the overlying skin.

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